- Wikipedia-Page of the BSS01, English version
- Video documentation of the current state of research (Part 2, Part 3)
- Abstract on duplicate serial numbers
- Article on
- Insider story about the BSS01
- Article on
- List of some devices on the "Pong-Picture-Page", partially with photos of the accessories and packaging and scans of the documents
- History of the AY-3-8500-Chip that is used in the BSS01
- "Die Computerszene in der DDR" (Thematic contribution of the Stasi Records Archive)
Scientific work
- Das Bildschirmspiel 01 - Versuch einer symmetrischen Netzwerkanalyse in drei Teilen, M.A. - Thesis European Media Studies at the University of Potsdam and the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Karla Sofia Höß and Bengt Jöran Eitel with Emily Claire Völker), published with the kind permission of the authors
- Teil 1 - Herleitung der Methode (Part 1 - Derivation of the method)
- Teil 2 und 3 - Kommentierte Materialsammlung in Text, Bild und Ton (Part 2 and 3 - Annotated collection of material in text, images and sound)
- Entry in the Object catalogue of the exhibition zkm_gameplay. the next level at the Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe
- Entry in the Object catalogue of the Museum of computer games in Berlin
- Entry in the Object catalogue of the Radio museum (only online)
- Entry in the Object catalogue of the Binarium in Dortmund